Kwaku Bonsam to release a Hip-Hop song - ALOUD AFRICA


Tuesday 25 August 2015

Kwaku Bonsam to release a Hip-Hop song

Renowned Ghanaian fetish priest, Kwaku Bonsam has declared his intentions to release a hip-hop single.

According to him, it has also been a dream of his to sing hip-hop and believes this is the right time to realize that dream.

He also hinted that his debut hip-hop single will feature a popular American artiste but he refused to mention any name.
"I hatched the idea when I went to America to spend about a year there and discussed it with the hip artist who happens to be a close friend of mine and he also showed interest to feature on the track", he said.

He stated that he has plans to record the song in Ghana with either Hammer of the Last Two or David Kyei also known as Kaywa.

Kwaku Bonsam released an eight-track gospel album in 2009 titled "Kura Wo Gyedie Mu" which means "hold on to your faith".

Despite enjoying lots of airplay, the album could not make a hit.

He however believes his hip-hop song will make it in the industry.


  1. Professor Willem Ouweneel was right when he said that many of the people who write nasty comments on articles posted on the internet, don’t even know TB Joshua yet they persecute him. To such ignorant persons, we can only pray that the Lord should forgive them for they know not what they are doing. It is our fervent prayer also that the Lord in his infinite mercy should open the eye of their hearts to have a glimpse of the Truth which, according to the Scriptures, will set them free from the bondage of satan.

    If TB Joshua could NOT be killed, when he was just born, and the evil one sent a rock to fly from afar off to fall right on the place where he was lying at his naming ceremony, then no amount of denouncement or campaign of calumny can bring him down. The mind-blowing works at Scoan speak for it self. It is the blessed work of God.

    Someone that knows Nii Ayiku Amartey personally, wrote about Pastor Amartley's true motives for attacking the Holy Prophet TB Joshua. Here is extracts from his comments found at

  2. The best place to truthfully learn all about the invisible spirit world, how it causes depression etc, dreams and how dreams and spirits effect our lives and the value of true knowledge is on or Dstv CH 390 24hrs daily. See real people and listen carefully to their own testimonies. Scoan in Lagos, Nigeria has been examined by independent international spiritual leaders.

    Here you will also learn why you must not pay for Spiritual healings.
    It is written : "Freely the gift of healing is given to you, freely it must be given to those that need it".

    Dont believe any critics on this matter. The most powerful international spiritual investigative teams have confirmed it all as verifiable TRUTH

  3. Science Watch
    Kwaku Bonsam is a scam article falsely created to destroy the good name of Prophet TB Joshua and Divide the loyal followers of The Scoan, Nigeria. The independent international investigations including undercover investigations all prove that thousands of envious and cowardly clergy that is not blessed with the gift of healing their followers terrible suffering, pastors, witch doctors, medical specialists and others have strong motives to destroy The Scoan.

    A factual account from someone who has investigated the Scoan Church, Nigeria is written by Professor Willem Ouweneel, who is a prominent Dutch theologian who holds doctorates in biology, philosophy and theology. He lectures in Universities in Switzerland, Holland, South Africa and Germany.
    Sourced from :
