Ghanaian man shot by police in Hamburg - ALOUD AFRICA


Friday 3 February 2017

Ghanaian man shot by police in Hamburg

A-33-year-old Ghanaian man was shot by undercover police officers on Wednesday afternoon at St George in Hamburg. The reason for the shooting is unclear as the man is still unconscious in the hospital and could not be interrogated.

The state prosecutor said on Thursday that, the condition of the Ghanaian man is not life-threatening though he was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery.

According to the 46-year-old undercover policeman who shot the man claims, he shot in self-defense because the Ghanaian man was agressive, he first used spray and then shot him in the leg. Some Africans demonstrated against the this action and accused him[police officer] of racism. Reports say, that the German National Criminal Police Office ( NCPO ) as well as the Hamburg police currently conducting an investigation to ascertain the truth.

Meanwhile, the Ghana Union in Hamburg is still trying to identify the victim.

Hamburg has the largest Ghanaian community in Europe.
 (Watch): Ghanaian man shot by police in Hamburg
Source: Dawouda Oumar

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