Climate change might affect sex drive - ALOUD AFRICA


Wednesday 11 November 2015

Climate change might affect sex drive

Climate change melts huge chunks of ice and causes weather disasters. It may also weaken your libido due to global warming.

A survey conducted in the U.S, found that birth rate has reduced significantly as temperature continues to rise. 
This is because hot weather may diminish sex drive, according to the researchers from Tulane University, the University of California - Santa Barbara, and the University of Central Florida.

The study is of great concern to countries in tropical regions, since researchers say, high temperatures may adversely affect reproductive health or semen quality on the male side, or ovulation on the female side.

People tend to make up for a lost day of sex when the temperatures cool, they said. But sex on cooler days is not making up for the decreased number of births.

One of their suggestions, is the use of air conditioners to set the mood for sex. "Based on our analysis of historical changes in the temperature-fertility relationship, we conclude air conditioning could be used to substantially offset the fertility costs of climate change," they wrote. ​

Source: CNN &

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