Ghana bans Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on all planes - ALOUD AFRICA


Wednesday 28 September 2016

Ghana bans Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on all planes

 The Ghana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA), the regulator of Ghana’s aviation industry, has banned the use of Samsung Galaxy note 7 on all airlines operating in Ghana.

The ban took effect from Monday 26th September, 2016.

According to the GCAA the ban follows recent safety reports following the use of Samsung Galaxy note 7, as there have been several reported cases of overheating or outright explosions during charging.

Phone manufacturer Samsung recently recalled over 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 devices.

The GCAA joins several other aviation regulators across the world, that are also caring out similar moves, against the use of the phone on board airlines.

All airline passengers as well as crew in possession of a Galaxy Note 7, cannot travel with the phone from Ghana and are prohibited from caring the device, while passengers coming from other countries to Ghana cannot turn on the device or charge them on board an aircraft.

A statement issued from GCAA said ‘following these recent events, the GCAA directs that all passengers and crew in possession of these devices should not turn on or clharge them on board aircraft.

Passengers and crew are also herby prohibited from stowing these devices in any checked baggage, even when turned off’.

The GCAA adds ‘the directive shall form part of the safety briefing to passengers on board all airlines operating in Ghana and operating into and out of Ghana until otherwise directed by the Authority’.

The GCAA joins several other aviation regulators across the world, that are also caring out similar moves, against the use of the phone on board airlines.


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