8 Benefits of kissing - ALOUD AFRICA


Thursday 8 October 2015

8 Benefits of kissing

Kissing is a heart-healthy micro workout, a hormone releaser and a mood booster. It gives a great sense of pleasure, nevertheless, it can be boring and disappointing when done improperly.

Kissing increases level of intimacy more than sex and it is a great way to express and receive love and affection. Surprisingly, a kiss a day can really keep the doctor away.

1. Kissing helps reduce blood pressure.

Kissing passionately gets your heartbeat revived in a heal;thy way that helps lower your blood pressure. The good feeling you get when kissing, dilates your blood vessels and increases blood flow to all your vital organs.

2. It kills cramps and headaches.

Kissing is a great remedy for headaches and menstrual cramps. The blood-vessel dilation brought on by a good long smooching session can ease your pain.

3. Kissing fights cavities.

Kissing gets all fluids in your body flowing - including your saliva. Secreting more saliva in your mouth is the mechanism that washes away the cavity-causing plaques on your teeth.

4. Kissing amplifies happy hormones.

A little kissing or lovemaking is the right way to combat stress in your rundown moments. It will relax, restore and revitalize you. The feel-good chemicals in the brain; serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin - are activated when kissing.

5. Kissing burns calories.

 A vigorous make out session can burn 8 to 16 calories per smooch. But you need to have a passionate kiss in order to burn those calories.

6. Kissing boosts self-esteem.
 One German study found that men who got a nice juicy kiss from their wives before leaving for work made more money - if he leaves home happy, he's more productive at work because he is not emotionally distressed, so he's going to make more money. Kissing has so much to do with your self-esteem and feeling loved and connected.

7. Kissing can give you a facelift.
   Deep kissing can shape up the neck and jawline, which are often spots for those concerned about looking older. Your mouth has a number of facial muscles, which tightens and tones when engaged in kissing.

8. It helps check sexual compatibility.
   Kissing is an excellent way to check out if a potential partner is your perfect sex match before getting naked and emotionally involved. If your liplock is with a new partner, give him or her one more shot.

Source: cnn.com [cnn.com/2014/01/14/health/upwave-kissing]

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