How Society Effects Suicide: A case of Ghana's increasing suicide rate - ALOUD AFRICA


Tuesday 14 March 2017

How Society Effects Suicide: A case of Ghana's increasing suicide rate

Ghana has witnessed about seven consecutive suicide cases within a period of two weeks, in the first quarter of 2017. These were cases that made the nation's headlines. One certainty is that, the total number of suicide cases will exceed the number mentioned earlier, as some cases haven't been announced on our media platforms. Personally, I know of a house-help who hanged herself at Dodowa after her mistress allegedly found out about her love affair and threatened to send her back to her people.

Suicide has been attributed to so many causes. These include; poverty, unemployment, psychological torture, drug addiction, disappointments and failures. All these causes emanates from the society, not the individual.
We have been confined in the virtual world of the internet, making us lose the physical connection needed to console our souls when we're hurt.

Though not an expert, I know the causes of suicide vary and these causes are influenced by societal actions. Sociology has made us aware that modernization is capable of taking away the social needs of an individual. Our so-called advancement has made us selfish; sticking to our needs and failing to offer affection to those in need. We have been confined in the virtual world of the internet, making us lose the physical connection needed to console our souls when we're hurt. We have been so confined to the extent that trust is now irrelevant to our minds. We would carry our burden and maintain our ego, than share our problems and unload the stress.

This is the time for our society to quit prejudicing. The failures and inabilities of people have been misinterpreted on different occasions. We are living in a world where people's perceptions about how others live their lives is predominant. People are so quick to judge and this trait has made it almost impossible to share one's personal problems, an action which brings relief. Society has been so unforgivable and has forgotten that no human being is perfect. With the existence of this phenomenon, only mind coupled with the fear of stigmatization may influence one to take his life in times of disappointment.

Suicide cannot be completely eliminated, as it has existed since the ancient days, but society can play a vital role in curbing the situation. This is a call on us to less prejudicial and help fulfill the social needs of others. This is a call on us to develop a trustworthy attitude and share our problems wholeheartedly. This is a call on us to remain tough when life gets rough. SEEK HELP NOW! SUICIDE IS NOT AN OPTION!

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