Wednesday 10 August 2016


Photo Credit: Morning Angel's International School, Graduation ceremony.

As the old saying goes, “Life is what you make it”. Your future is determined by what you do in the present. Hence, mismanaging your present activities may end you up in a distasteful future. It is very important that one seeks information and also learn from the mistakes of others. This is the only map one needs on the journey to success. Here are a few guidelines to help keep your head up:
     Seek Education: Being educated upgrades your personality. It also helps you fit in places of high repute. Most importantly seek education in all forms, both formal and informal. The cognitive nature of human beings enables them to learn at anytime and at any place.
            Learn to save: Financial management is the most important key to success. Try to save, no matter how small (as a Ghanaian child saving as low as 10Gp to 20Gp is beneficial and can yield great profits if done for years). Preferably, save as high as you can, daily. Uneducated people have made it life due to their ability to save. Financial management also trains the mind and enable you spend your money wisely in both better and difficult times. Saving your money can help you afford all the positive things you may need to enhance your education and future.
          Invest your savings: As a child, this can be done when you attain the age of 18. The money you saved over the years can be further invested in different areas to yield more profit. There are so many safe investments one can make, depending on preference. Products like treasury bills, mutual funds, bonds and others can bring in a lot of profit. It is better to seek information about all these as one grows.
           Acquire skills in different fields: The world is dynamic (it keeps changing). It is very important to learn different skills to help broaden your chances of surviving. Catch up with the world in all aspects; technology, trade, arts and a lot more. With this, you can start something to generate more income.
           Be morally upright: Being morally upright prevents financial waste. Besides, it saves your reputation, giving you a higher standard in terms of personality. Successful people have fallen due to immorality. Hence, keep your morality on check.

P. S.: The steps above are basic information. Don’t forget to seek more information as you move ahead. Practise what you learn.

1 comment:

  1. I have been searching to find a comfort or effective procedure to complete this process and I think this is the most suitable way to do it effectively. Success
