Egypt: Students call for the dismissal of the Education minister - ALOUD AFRICA


Tuesday 14 June 2016

Egypt: Students call for the dismissal of the Education minister

 High School students in Egypt have called for the dismissal of the Education Minister El-Hilali El-Sherbini as they took to the streets in Cairo and Alexandria in protests reports Ahram.

Dozens of students stood in front of the Education ministry headquarters in Cairo demanding that the minister be dismissed and the current grading system for students to enrol in universities be cancelled.

“Down with the ministry of leaks!”, “Down with the ministry of cheating!” the students chanted.
Protests that have not received prior police permission are illegal according to a 2013 controversial law. And so security forces dispersed the protestors as it was unauthorised, six students were arrested and detained, but later released.

Several people have been arrested for allegedly leaking the exams via popular cheating Facebook pages. A couple of officials at the Ministry of Education have also been arrested pending investigates.

For the fourth year exam papers were leaked including those in Arabic and English exams.

Ref.: CCTV Africa

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