Monday 22 June 2015


Insomnia is the inability to get enough sleep at night. It is a major cause of stress which negatively affects our work performance.

Stress does not bode well for work. It makes you irritable and tired and needs to be avoided to pave way for good night sleep. Here are some home remedies which can help prevent insomnia:

 Eat a lot of fibre; Eating enough fibre is good for the brain. Research has proven that people who eat a high fibre diet find it easier to fall asleep, enjoy a positive mood, are less likely to be depressed and are mentally sharper. Fresh fruits, vegetables, brown rice and other cereals are good fibre foods.

Gain a lot of vitamins; Vitamin B3 and B6 are known to help the body produce melatonin which regulates sleep in the body. Foods containing vitamin B3 include chicken, turkey, peanuts and apricots. Also for B6, avocados, banana, carrots, rice and shrimps are your best bets.

Fill up on nuts; Nut is a good source of magnesium which also helps the body to produce a sleep-regulating melatonin. Other good sources of magnesium include whole grains and green leafy vegetables.
  Foods have a great impact in our lives and eating the right kinds of food will ensure that we stay healthy and live the best lives we can.

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