How to avoid cheating - ALOUD AFRICA


Tuesday 23 December 2014

How to avoid cheating

One major challenge in every relationship is infedility. There are times when people have been tempted or have cheated on their partners for various reasons.

No matter how fun cheating may be, it leaves your partner heartbroken. Here are four ways to avoid it:

Imagine your partner is your audience; Anytime you are tempted to 'spark the flame', ask yourself if your partner will be okay with your behaviour.

Avoid spending time alone with co-workers or strangers of the opposite sex; When people are hidden from the eye sights of the world, the temptation to act negatively heightens. Going for drinks or spending time alone with colleagues or strangers of the opposite sex may increase your chances of cheating.

Keep business strictly business; Never mix business with pleasure. Avoid the coffee and dinner dates with your boss.

Assume you'll get caught; Not everyone gets away with cheating. People get caught and loose their soul mates. Always have the feeling of getting caught to avoid loosing that 'special someone'.

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