Egypt and Saudi Arabia draw up Maritime borders #MaritimeAffairs - ALOUD AFRICA


Wednesday 20 April 2016

Egypt and Saudi Arabia draw up Maritime borders #MaritimeAffairs

Egypt and Saudi Arabia have signed agreements to specify maritime borders, a cabinet statement said on April 9, allowing both countries to benefit from maritime zones that were previously untapped.

The agreement was signed during Saudi Arabia's King Salman visit to Egypt during which several investment projects were announced.

The technical drawing of the border include the Tiran and Sanafir islands as part of Saudi Arabia's territory, the statement said.

In 1950, Saudi Arabia's founder King Abdulaziz Al Saud had requested Egypt to protect those islands which has been the case since then.

"This enables both countries to benefit from the exclusive economic zone for each, with whatever resources and treasures they contain," the statement said.

Drawing up the maritime border for both countries had been in progress for over six years.

Ref.: Africa Report

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