Selfie of American Huntress with dead giraffe sparks fury - ALOUD AFRICA


Tuesday 4 August 2015

Selfie of American Huntress with dead giraffe sparks fury

Sabrina Corgatelli with a giraffe
An American huntress has sparked fury on social media after posting pictures of herself with the corpses of a giraffe, warthog, kudu and impala during a trip to South Africa.

Sabrina Corgatelli, who is believed to come from Boise, Idaho, counted down the days on her Facebook profile to the “trip of a lifetime” to a private conservancy 20 kilometres from the country’s iconic Kruger National Park.
Before her trip, she posted a meme of Leonardo DiCaprio on her wall accompanied by the message: “To all the haters. Stay tuned, you’re gonna have so much more to be p***** off about.”

On July 25, just after it emerged that an iconic black-maned lion named Cecil had been killed in Zimbabwe by a foreign hunter - later revealed as Dr Walter Palmer, a US dentist - Miss Corgatelli began to post pictures of her kills.

Source: The Telegraph

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