Are Ghanaian Artistes Getting Enough Support? - ALOUD AFRICA


Saturday 25 July 2015

Are Ghanaian Artistes Getting Enough Support?

An undeniable fact is that our stars will give whatever it takes to make sure that their fans get thrill they desire. But do our musicians get back what they give?

Ghana, like most countries is filled with talents and people working hard to reach stardom. For a third world country, the journey is not an easy one. There are loop holes hindering artistes from getting the success they deserve.

Low investment in our entertainment industry; The days when talents could easily find someone to fund their projects is gradually fading. Nowadays, most upcoming artistes and even the well-established stars finance their own projects in a world where high quality is expensive. Unlike some countries where giant record labels support their musicians, most our local artistes usually have to get the job done themselves. This often lead to poor quality in their production irrespective of how talented they are.

Low Record Sales;
Gaining worldwide prestige as musician usually depends on how many records one has sold. In Ghana, people barely visit record stores to buy their favourite albums. This is because fans may only love one or two songs on an album, making it not necessary to buy the whole CD. Moreover, the internet has made music easily accessible.

High cost of show tickets; Concerts where one can see all the top stars perform usually come with expensive tickets. This is due to the fact that music artistes now demand huge sums of money before they perform since their albums are not selling well enough. This situation increases the cost of organizing events, hence, leading to high-priced tickets. With an economy like Ghana's the majority can barely afford concert tickets to enable them cheer their favourite stars on stage. However, this problem is gradually being managed thanks to some organizations who sometimes offers free concerts to the public.

Piracy and Corrupt royalty payment system; Bootlegging music has maximized with the presence of the internet. DJs and some radio stations take advantage of this situation to patronize music for free. Even though this is a common practice around the world, it has worsened our situation. Some musicians have no knowledge on royalties making companies and other organization use their products for free.

With all these cons stated, we cannot ignore the fact that musicians have to play the major role to enhance their development. Being dynamic is the key element to good artistry. Rehearse a lot, improve your creativity and give your fans the best. 

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